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From Tuesday 18 February 2025

Church Tongue – ‘You’ll Know It Was Me’ EP

Metalcore is an incredibly exciting genre to be a fan of, especially in recent years. Bands like Chamber, Boundaries and God Complex are just some of the names that come to mind, all lending a hand to reignite the fire the genre had in its golden years and carving

Tuesday 04 February 2025

Dead Air – ‘ELEMENTS’

Time moves on. Bands form and fold. Songs that once meant something fade into the past. As you grow older and tastes change, sounds go in and out of style but there’s a time that’s your era. A time where everything is new and exciting, that defines

Monday 20 January 2025

State of You – ‘On A Knife’s Edge’

Introductions are important. If you’re introduced to a band and told they’re ‘Hardcore’s most exciting newcomers’, you’re going to have a very different opinion to if you’re told ‘They Suck’. State Of You do not suck. Hyperbole aside, this is a band with pedigree. It’s made

Thursday 05 December 2024


If you’re reading this you’re unlikely to be Japanese. Hanabie are. This makes their new EP tricky to discuss. Most alternative, hardcore, metal, Punktastic music has its roots in American or European culture but they’re a band hailing from a different continent. They’re unusual in this context

Thursday 14 November 2024

Less Than Jake – ‘Uncharted’ EP

Everyone loves Less Than Jake, but who’s really engaged with their music since ‘Hello Rockview’? The endlessly touring and effortlessly entertaining ska kids have found themselves as a reliable staple support band and festival afternoon fixture, becoming the musical equivalent of mozzarella sticks; no one’s sad to see them

Wednesday 13 November 2024

Zebrahead – ‘I’ EP

After twenty six years making rocket-fuelled hybrid punk, you’d think Zebrahead would start slowing down. They could have recorded a folky tribute album a la Dropkick Murphys or announced a never ending retirement farewell odyssey like Fat Mike and co. That’s not quite the So-Cal punks’ style though: why

The Plot In You – ‘Vol. 3’ EP

The way music is released has begun to shift. Though albums are still an enormous part of the culture (and always will be), some bands are moving into a more consistent and lengthy release process, stringing together regular singles and EP’s to better take advantage of the algorithmic social

Thursday 07 November 2024

Sol Invicto – ‘LOOSELY AWARE’

When a project announces itself as featuring members of Deftones, Cypress Hill and Sikth there’s only one question; which members? Given the bands in question, you could get some very interesting answers. Although it’s possible to play a Fantasy Football style game swapping around different lineups and

Wednesday 06 November 2024

Delain – ‘Dance With The Devil’

As we’re moving from the season of skull-shaped candy and into our selection box era, it seems appropriate that dutch symphonic metallers Delain are gift-wrapping us a sampler of treats in the form of their new EP, ‘Dance With The Devil’. To straighten a couple of things out first;

Tuesday 05 November 2024

Every Hell – ‘Vertebrate’ EP

Brighton newcomers Every Hell are an absolute bottle rocket of a band. Comprised of ex-members of Broker, Memory Of Elephants and the much loved, sorely missed Black Peaks, the quartet bring all of the character from their previous projects and splice it with a rich, explosive, adrenaline-fuelled rush. Their