Better Enemies – ‘Better Enemies’

By Jess Tagliani

Aberdeen-based quartet Better Enemies have spent the last few months honing their brand of slick, catchy pop-rock. Their aim is to deliver fun and energetic tracks that still convey a deep meaning, allowing fans old and new to connect with them. Their self-titled debut album is packed with such tracks.

Striking melodies rip through tracks such as ‘All Good Things In Time’ and ‘Double Vision’. Single ‘Get Me Out’ is full of colourful and dynamic hooks, while ‘Never Alone’ and ‘Holiday’ offer some truly vibrant riffs and solid drum-work.

‘Where Do We Go From Here’ ends on a glorious high; the harmonizing combined with gang vocals is simply superb, whilst the fun choruses in ‘I Swear, I Swear’ are huge. It’s not difficult to see this being one of ‘those’ tracks that’ll get crowds bouncing quickly.

However, it’s not just fun and games with Better Enemies. They’re also working to bring uplifting messages – one such example is ‘Greater Things Will Come’. “Greater things will come / keep on dreaming” is one of the most positive refrains within their album; frontman Jamie Mack delivers this line with such dynamic passion, you almost believe that he’ll make your dreams come true with a snap of his fingers. It’s a track that simply screams P(ositive) M(ental) A(ttitude).

They also know how to switch things up with ‘Back Home’. It’s slightly slower, but still full of power – it’s one the best tracks to showcase Jamie’s punchy vocals.

Better Enemies still have some maturing to do; there are times when their enthusiasm bubbles over a little too much, giving some slightly sloppy tunes. However, they’ve delivered a bubbly and bouncy album that ought to get the majority of venues singing back in next to no time.


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