Since the band’s face melting debut EP was released, we’ve been keeping a close eye on London’s Black Shapes. It’s worth noting that the band have changed their line up fairly significantly since then before we carry on – Gareth Evans of November Coming Fire is now on vocals and Mike Ager of Jairus has taken over on bass duties.
This leaves the band sounding quite different (especially vocally), and it almost feels little unfair to compare the two EPs because of it. Still, it’s got the same teeth that the debut does, and fans of London hardcore will have a fucking good time with ‘In The Mourning Light’.
Here, the bookending ‘Beyond The Grey’ and ‘Behind My Dead Eyes’ are the best on offer, but as with their debut, ‘In The Mourning Light’ feels like a mere taster of things to come. 11 minutes pass by swiftly and effortlessly, and as an invitation to come and see the band live, it’s second-to-none. The four track all display a great amount of natural hunger for heavy music, and it’s a fine listen because of it. Even better is that the band have taken on the admirable model of letting people have their music for whatever price they deem worthy for the EP (digitally), and it’s a proving an excellent way of getting their name out there following a similar approach first time around.
Once ‘In The Mourning Light’ is released, the momentum will most definitely be with Black Shapes, and though they’re arguably retreading some UK hXc ground, they’re doing it guns blazing and with some fantastic riffs. A band well worth checking out before everyone else catches on in the very near future.