Lurk – ‘Natural Causes’

By Katherine Allvey

Who really enjoys using social media?

This is just one of the questions that adventurous Chicago punk rockers Lurk seek to answer on their latest EP, ‘Natural Causes’. For every profile offering cottagecore gardening tips or cat videos, there’s another spreading hate and lies.

”People act as if they’re shielded from reality when they engage with others on social media but forget that they are talking with real people and that there are real consequences for words. At the same time, there’s this hive mind mentality where people encourage or influence each other to keep that behaviour going. Oftentimes what might start out with someone seeking justice and perhaps being in the right, will turn into that person being just as wrong. It’s cop behaviour,” says the band, immediately letting us know they’re not a set of musicians to be taken lightly. 

‘Dark Humor’ is the musical love child of Art Brut and the Hives, all spikes and sneering over a derelict guitar riff and a distorted mudslide rhythm. Whereas ‘Honey Hive’ owes more to the Stooges with a touch of Pixies on the bass before a discordant scream-along chorus. Their garage, demo vibes are the work of seriously polished punks with a postmodern grunge take on what they see around them.

‘World On A String’ is all deep diving bass and raw feedback chugging along through a childish, energy drink chorus. ‘1229’ is the most pure punk track on this E;  fast, obnoxious and designed to start a quality pit. Their darkness is that of a warehouse with closed doors and when they decide to let to let the light in onto their serious brand of noise, it’s ace. With its  high-powered, unrelenting chorus, ‘Pedestrian’ is the perfect example. It’s got a moody nineties energy which gets swept away with the melodic guitar work and lighter chimes flowing like sweetened sludge.

Lurk are a name to watch with their take on the world around them filtered through a lifetime of garage punk grace and urban abrasion. Having honed their craft, the result is an EP which demands your attention and is willing to shake you by the metaphorical shoulders until you sit up and listen. 

Kate Allvey

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