Spiritbox – ‘The Fear Of Fear’

By Jess Tagliani

Spiritbox are still the shiny new it kids on the block, but for excellent reason. ‘Eternal Blue’, their first full-length album, was a huge success and was absolutely devoured by fans and media alike. Then there was ‘Rotoscope’, which merely hinted at the talent that simmered behind Spiritbox . And now? Now, there’s ‘The Fear Of Fear’, the long-awaited release that has kept people chomping at the bit.

‘Cellar Door’, the final single that was teased before the release of this EP, is a brutal and crushing opening. Potentially one of the heaviest songs they’ve written to date, ‘Cellar Door’ is aggressive and resplendent with Mike Stringer’s masterful guitar work. It’s powerful, almost demonic in its delivery and sets an incredibly high bar for the rest of this release – and Spiritbox don’t fail to match the same energy during the entirety of ‘The Fear Of Fear’.

Segueing into ‘Jaded’, this truly demonstrates the flair and diversity of Courtney LaPlante’s vocal range – she shows excellent execution, with a mix of her trademark guttural screams and her gorgeous clean vocals, which could neatly cut glass due to just how powerful her vocals are. In particular, the opening lyrics almost knock you off your feet – lines of, “I feel alone in my body / I feel a silence underneath” and “It was violent and rough / I was never enough” are conveyed in an almost poignant manner.

Then there’s ‘Too Close / Too Late’ which is utterly breath-taking. LaPlante’s ethereal vocals and the magical atmosphere of this track are combined with alluring guitar work that make this a huge standout. The bridge simply roars with emotion – hearing LaPlante’s plaintive cries of “I know where I wanna go / But it’s too close, and it’s too late this time” before frenetic drum work kicks in is enough to make you hit the rewind button and listen to it repeatedly. And still, you wouldn’t get bored of it.

There’s a million different ways to describe just how beautiful and overwhelming this song is; ‘Too Close / Too Late’ will surely be a firm favourite amongst fans. From start to end, it soars and swells with both emotion and heartbreak – it leaves you short of breath, and almost of the edge of tears with just how gut-wrenching it truly is.

Moving swiftly onto ‘Angel Eyes’, this really kicks it up a notch – dripping with colossal power, it’s a track that grabs you by the shoulders and demands undivided attention. Plied with rage and enormous potential, the riffs are commanding, the vocals are gigantic, and the entire vibe is absolutely electrifying.

‘The Void’ needs no introduction – the track that started the painful wait for this EP is as perfect now as when it was released back in April. Dynamic and vibrant, it’s nothing short of sheer brilliance. And ending with ‘Ultraviolet’, Spiritbox showcase yet another perfect example of their versatile range. With an electronic undertone to lift LaPlante’s vocals to an even higher plane, it seems that Spiritbox have kept the best until last – graceful yet aggressive, it’s awe-inspiring and bold. The final bridge alone, overflowing with dominant beauty and LaPlante’s last, quivering notes, will leave you desperate for more.

Some may argue that Spiritbox are the hottest band on the scene, but there’s really no need to argue – it’s a pure and simple fact. ‘The Fear Of Fear’ has, yet again, cemented exactly why Spiritbox is the name that is currently on everyone’s lips. A masterful and brilliant release, this will barely whet the appetites of fans who only want to see and hear more from this devastatingly brilliant band.


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