This Contrast Kills – The Corrupted Luxury EP

By paul

This Contrast Kills was formed by three ex members of Capdown who came together when the band split and started to write new material. the band is a marked departure to previous projects and the sound has been stripped-down, reworked and shaped into a minimalist mash up of three-piece rock and big synth loops. In their own words the band describe it as “Disco-Shit”. Anyone expecting Capdown MkII will be sorely disappointed, not only because the bands sound nothing alike musically, but also because Keith is singing and not Jake.

The Corrupted Luxury EP’ features six tracks showcasing the band’s new sound. Opener ‘Sidestep’ hints at the electronic influences and is a steady start to the EP. It’s distinctly British and crammed full of melodies too. The other tracks have more of an electro sound; the second song ‘Fables’ is slower with laser sounds, while ‘Soundscapes’ has a British 90s rock feel to it. It’s difficult to pin down exactly which bands have influenced them, but I’d certainly say it’s older rather than newer. ‘Choose A Card’ is possibly my favourite song of the bunch, with a snappy vocal and clever use of effects.

This Contrast Kills have set themselves up nicely. There will be interest because of the Capdown connection but they’ve rightly steered away from that sound and done something a bit different. It will be very interesting to see how the band develops.

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