Your Future Is Metal – ‘Your Future Is Metal’

By Katherine Allvey

Johann Saul had a simple dream. Well, to be more accurate, he had a nightmare which he then decided he wanted to manifest into reality. Luckily for him, Saul had been a member of Weathered Hands and Real Authority before the pandemic. He recruited his former drummer, Salaryman Ben, with the goal of creating music based on these nightmares and a shared love of B-Movie Horror, 80s pop and first wave Goth. “I don’t see this band as our baby so much as our Frankenstein’s monster, of which I am proud (and equally horrified) of every necrotic limb,” he said.  You’d think that with such a background, Your Future Is Metal’s eponymous debut EP would be the musical equivalent of torture porn, all gory lyrics about limbs dangling and blood flowing, but you’d be wrong. 

Of course, it’s dark. Yet, like the Misfits in their heyday, that darkness is tempered by wrapping it in a fluffy blanket of classic rock guitar. Behind the hockey masks and Aphex Twin gurning, Your Future Is Metal is a garage band that flips comfortably between the pop and screaming ends of the spectrum. On the scale of horror, they’re about as scary as 1999’s cinematic masterpiece ‘The Mummy’, but on a graph of intriguing first releases which offer ferocity to the genre without forsaking quality? They’re at the top. 

Tracks like ‘Vortex Of Souls’ provoke prophetic visions of pounding crowds to flash before your eyes. Your Future Is Metal could work equally well in a basement venue with an unintentionally bouncing dancefloor or heralding in an evening of metal in a field as the sun goes down. You get a hint that there’s a master plan behind the scenes, an intentional and intricate system of cogs designed to make this EP their first step on a path to festival season domination. That’s not an especially horrifying thought as Your Future is Metal are serious about their sound without being too grave.

Their combination of fuzzy garage production, vintage solos and murderous ear worms allows them to carve out a space neatly in the centre of the metal-rock-indie Venn diagram, then lie in wait for discovery like a home made bear trap. It’s the potential in this EP and the vibrancy of their take on life that’ll get your heart pumping and your spine trembling rather than unholy terror. 

Kate Allvey

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LIVE: Touché Amoré @ Electric Ballroom, London