Feliciano are looking for an intern to help with a whole load of upcoming shows. Here are the details in their own words below:
I’m looking for someone to help with the general existence and maintenance of Feliciano, not a request that I take lightly and I’m posting this with serious consideration, especially as I know that some people will believe this to be outside of what I should be doing.
I’ve been having fun with all the tapes and lighters and whatever else but there has been a lot going on this year already and, alongside a full time job, it’s a squeeze to manage everything as well as I’d like to. Things are ticking along nicely and everything has gone well recently, but I’m very aware that I could be spending a lot more time on a bunch of things here to make them better. Certain elements of this whole operation need to given more love and attention, a few years ago I had the the time to do that but not necessarily the resources, now it’s the other way around. I mean, I really noticed that when, in the space of three months, I was attempting to put out two physical releases (for the first time), book a tour (for the first time), release a sampler (on a lighter) and put on a show approximately every two weeks and booking for later in the year at the same time. I certainly still have the enthusiasm to do these things. .
In fear of using a dirty word, I don’t want to say I’m looking for an “intern”, I see that term thrown about a lot, but it’s not too far off. I want someone to team up with me who shares passions and drive, this is to keep this in check, keep it running and also to develop it. Here follows some words detailing what I would like from this person, it is not a pre-requisite that you match up to all of these things, a few of them is fine, it’s mostly down to personality and compatibility (in your ethic, not our last.fm profiles):
An obvious passion for live music and the existence of small venues.
You need to “get it”, like, “get” what I’m doing and what I’m about and why I do this, this is not a step into working in the music industry. Feel free to put it on your CV when you apply for a job at a label/venue/Starbucks/whatever, but understand that isn’t why you, or I, do this, I have no interest in full time employment in the music industry. I have an interest in enjoying what I do and treating people well.
You live in, or near to, London. I gauge everywhere on how far it is from London and I often talk at length about a complete disregard for lazy small town attitudes, not that community is bad, just stop fucking complaining and get on a train if you hate it so much. This isn’t absolutely vital for the right person.
The ability to write a sentence. I’m not going to ask you to e-mail bands or venues much anyway, but I am looking for someone to handle some of the online presence including the Feliciano Tumblr and Facebook.
Following on from that, an understanding of social media. If you blog a lot anyway and generally think you have a good understanding of online communities which translate into something more real, then this would be a productive expansion of that.
An understanding of the importance of Bandcamp and Soundcloud, and how to use their features (they are really easy).
I would prefer a student or someone not in full time employment, this doesn’t mean I want someone to dedicate a lot of time to this, but enough, and for it not to be a massive burden, let’s have fun.
You 100% need to appreciate a fucking chunky riff (CRUCIAL NOTE: this does not mean I want people who exclusively like shit metal to contact me, you ARE allowed to like Bon Iver, but not too much, find a balance).
This is certainly all very flexible and depending on what is going on and how much you would like to participate, this can vary from a few posts on Facebook in a week to much more than that, I won’t expect you to do more than you can can.
I generally have a good amount of absolutely stupid ideas in a week, hopefully you do too and we can make them real.
If you wanna start “promoting” (now that seems like a dirty word), but don’t know where to start, I’ll do what I can to help you out. I’ve been doing it for five years and I’ve certainly done things wrong from time to time, but I’ve learnt a lot and met a lot of people.
I’ve never made money of this and I never will. I’m not going to pay you. You’ll get any Feliciano merchandise if you want it and I’ll certainly make a point of buying you dinner and drinks whenever we meet up.
Please send this to anyone who you think may be good for this and share it around a bit on the internet, it would be really appreciated. E-mail me on feliciano@live.co.uk and I’m @FelicianoLives on Twitter, I’d like to meet you.