A rather wierd thing to post in NEWS but I couldn’t think of anywhere else to put this. Basically, as some people know, as well as being a PT member (as and when I can!) and the bassist in milk2sugars, I run my own record label, Small Town Records. Over recent weeks and months, what with m2s getting signed and me starting a new job as well, im struggling to continue the hard work i’ve invested and dedicated my life to for this past year with my label. I need HELP. I’m looking to take someone on, to aid me, not financially, but just the work load and help me continue to progress the label into 2006. If you are up for chipping in, having a laugh and basically working in the music industry – get in touch. Ideally you need to have some experience, a lot, and i mean alot of motivation, friendly and above all be dedicated. If you think you want to do this, and not just waste my time, then drop me an email to smalltownrecords@hotmail.co.uk and tell me abit about yourself and basically make it look interesting. I’ll get in touch if I think you’re the right sort of person I need. Check out www.smalltownrecords.co.uk