Right, this may be a shock to some of you but it’s about time we got this sorted. Punktastic and the band Whitmore had our infamous argument a few months back, but like the grown chaps we are, myself and bassist Glenn have decided to bury the hatchet. As part of this Punktastic will be interviewing the band, the proviso being that YOU get to ask half the questions. It can be on anything Whitmore related – the did-they-pay-Avril debate, the naked women, the three videos, anything. All you have to do is click ‘discuss this item’ and leave your question. It’s no holds barred so if this doesn’t make for an interesting interview, I don’t know what will…
Apr 11, 2003 8:23
If there’s peace in Iraq there can be peace on Punktastic
By paul
April 11, 2003 by