We need a new CD reviewer. It may not be for an ‘@punktastic’ position just yet, but I have CDs coming out of my ears and I can’t hack it. So, do you have a gift for writing? Know your Early November’s from your Days In December‘s? Want the fame and adulation we all get? Think you can do a minimum of three reviews a week? Then email giving us a BRIEF (and I mean brief) bit about yourself and a 150-200 words CD review so we can see if you’re any good. If you fail to abide by that, we won’t even read it. ‘Cos if you can’t follow instructions you’re not what we need. ‘Applications’ need to be mailed to staff@punktastic.com so we can peruse and laugh at your writings. Don’t be scared if we don’t reply – it probably means you’re shit. It could also mean we’re too busy interacting with people in the real world, however. Best of luck – you’ll need it.