On 21st February, Modern Baseball announced a hiatus. The Philadelphia group parted ways to take a step back from band life and focus on improving their own mental health. Modern Baseball mean more to me than any other band does and ever has. Upon hearing the announcement I decided to channel my feelings into the only way I knew how, I wrote them down. Below is the story of my relationship with Modern Baseball.
Embarrassingly, I only started initially listening to Modern Baseball to attempt to impress a girl I knew before I went to move away to university in Manchester. The girl was a thing of the past after a fortnight but Modern Baseball became something that stuck with me and meant more to me than I could ever comprehend.
Flashback to the first time I heard their bitterly feel-good anthem, ‘Fine, Great.’ Here were 4 guys about my age who don’t follow any gimmicks or clichés, and are a pop punk band who aren’t trying to be Blink 182. At the time I was mainly listening to indie rock, getting ready to move to the indie music mecca of Manchester for university. Mobo’s mixing pot of pop punk, emo and indie was ideal for me.
University arrived and after the typical raucous freshers week life caught up with me like a train. Moving away from home is never easy but it was during this time of great confusion and uncertainty that I latched onto them. Music was always an outlet to raise my spirits and Modern Baseball’s second album ‘You’re Gonna Miss It All’ stormed into my most listened to album at the time.
Weirdly enough, the group were touring through Manchester and to get my journalism degree off to a good start I interviewed them in late September 2014. On a wet day in Manchester, I spoke to bassist Ian and their drummer Sean. They were infectiously happy and told me how they went to Chinese Karaoke last time they were in Manchester, I left genuinely over the moon.
‘Fine, Great’ made it into my top 10 of the 2014 and in the new year I discovered their debut album ‘Sports.’ It helped me through a lot. ‘Re-done’ soundtracked many a sleepless night alone, with ‘The Weekend’, ‘Tears Over Beers’ and ‘I Think You Were In My Profile Picture Once’ slipping in at regular intervals.
Modern Baseball quickly became a baseline that I would go to at every moment. I’d have them on when I was feeling down, I have them on when I was beaming with happiness, when I was in the gym, when I was walking to university, when I was making my dinner; Modern Baseball were the first band I found that I could listen to in every situation.
At this point I had never related to a band like that before. They were a group that made me realise other people were in the exact same boat I was. It’s ok to feel bad but they too reminded that life is full of so many good things as well.
2015 arrived and it was the worst year of my life. I was struggling at university, I was penniless for the majority of it, I was struggling with women (as ever), I felt even more distant from home, I was doubting myself in every situation, one of my closest friends was diagnosed with a serious illness and to top it off my best friend and childhood dog, Josie, died aged 17.