Punktastic Presents: Playlist – September ’19

By Punktastic

We don’t know about you, but we’re fed up of this hot weather. It’s unbearable. The only heat we’re happy to tolerate is in nuclear hot venues, where cold air is more valuable than gold and a cold beer costs more than it ever should. Give us a gig and a dingy basement where the temperature is above thirty and humidity at roughly 900%, and we’ll deal with it because of our love for music. Stick us outside in the sun at that temperature and we’ll fade away to dust like the Wicked Witch Of The West (except she got water thrown on her and we can only pray for that sweet, cooling relief). Still, we shouldn’t grumble – it’ll be raining for all eternity once global warming fucks us completely.

Whilst we await the inevitable apocalypse, you can be damn sure we’ll still be sharing music with the dozens of people who want it, as well as a whole heap who don’t. With that in mind, here’s what we’re shouting about this month.

As always, follow the playlist below as we update it throughout the month. Unless the heat shrivels us up into dried prunes. In which case, good luck, and enjoy the tracks we’ve left behind.


Bellevue Days – ‘Ripped Jeans’

With their debut album due to be released ‘later this year’, it seems the appropriate time to throwback to a classic from one of Bellevue Days earlier EPs. ‘Ripped Jeans’ is heartbreaking. Based around drinking to forget lost love, it’s something we can all relate to. That delicious blackout to get through the night, only to be in the same awful position in the morning. While it’s punchy and rousing, it’s the hook that really holds it together. A chorus that you would scream into the face of your mates at dusk, only to weep to it at dawn.


Black Peaks – ‘Aether’

After an incredible performance at ArcTanGent with the legendary Jamie Lenman on vocals, Black Peaks have returned to my frequent listens. This was the song they closed their set with – Lenman’s favourite Black Peaks tune, and now one of mine too. Catch them later this year on tour with Black Futures, Palm Reader, and more, and prepare for your mind to be blown.


Dinosaur Pile-Up – ‘Stupid Heavy Metal Broken Hearted Loser Punk’

Somehow, we missed their latest album ‘Celebrity Mansions’ a couple months ago, so let me make this official – we fucked up. It’s made it safely onto my personal Album Of The Year shortlist. ‘Stupid Heavy Metal Broken Hearted Loser Punk’ is a definte highlight for me. There’s a sort of grungy essence in the instrumentation, while Matt Biglands vocals hover effortlessly above it all. With throwbacks to Weezer at certain points and a heavy dollop of Descendents-esque lyrics, it’s feel good in an angsty way with a chorus that just won’t leave my head.


Counterparts- ‘Wings Of Nightmare’

Counterparts just get better and better with each release, and their brand new single proves that they’re continuing with that trend. Think of everything you love about metalcore and it’s here in its most melodic, raw, and punishing form. Spin this one loud.


Patent Pending – ‘Punk Rock Songs’

Patent Pending return with their most well rounded track to date. Evolving from their happy pop punk tendencies, ‘Punk Rock Songs’ speaks from the heart with a vibrant melody, passionate lyrics and fist-punching chorus. This defiant ballad screams everything that unites music lovers. Whether you’re behind the drum kit, in the studio or at the front row, ‘Punk Rock Songs’ is our new anthem.


Cayetana – ‘Easy To Love’

We bid a tearful farewell to Cayetana in August as the Philadelphia punks decided to call it a day after eight years and two spectacular albums. They were an important and underrated voice in the US punk scene, nestling neatly alongside prominent stalwarts such as PUP and The Menzingers. They were fearless in speaking out against misogyny and led the charge of calling out the toxic masculinity prevalent in our society at the moment. Taken from their excellent 2017 LP ‘New Kind of Normal’, ‘Easy to Love’ encapsulates Cayetana’s sound of angst-laced lyrics, delicate harmonies and beautiful lo-fi DIY punk sound. They will certainly be missed.


The Spook School – ‘Keep In Touch’

Another band calling time on their career is Glasgow’s indie-punks The Spook School. Currently embarking on their farewell tour, ‘Keep In Touch’ is almost a wistful hope from the band to its fans. The four-piece took on challenging topics of gender fluidity and binary wrapping them up in delightful pop songs. While ‘Keep In Touch’ is possibly the most heartbreaking track from their beautiful 2018 LP ‘Could It Be Different?’, it is a cause of celebration as another fine Scottish band sails off into the sunset. It’s just a crying shame we’ll never get another chance to hear their love for Linda McCartney sausages or admire drummer Niall McCamley’s nipple tape again.


Gender Roles – ‘Bubble’

If you haven’t already listened to Gender Roles, stop what you’re doing and check them out. After releasing their debut album ‘Prang’ at the end of August – another contender for Album Of The Year – they’re a breath of fresh air. While they may carry that nostalgic grunge sound, they’re also incredibly nuanced in their use of modern lyrical themes. If there’s one track that really exemplifies Gender Roles, it has to be ‘Bubble’. Delicate melodies that expand into scuzzy rhythm sections and a chorus that’s dangerously hooky. So if you’re craving that meaty grunge sound laced with angst and subtle cynicism, stop what you’re doing and check them out.