Throwing Stuff is probably one of the most apt names for a band, mainly because after listening to their music, you want to throw stuff around all over the place. Whether it’s your empty drinks cans, yourself, someone else, the merch table, there’s an intense energy that seeps through every element of the Mancunian hardcore punks. Indebted to hardcore pioneers across the last thirty years, from Minor Threat to Gallows, Throwing Stuff blends their influences with their own unique take on crushing hardcore, and just enough artistic license to get away with it. “We've all ripped off certain bands that others in Throwing Stuff have never heard of,” jokes guitarist Kieran. “Sometimes we own up, sometimes we claim we wrote it originally.”
That’s definitely not to discredit the band, who have moulded their own unique history into a well defined musical identity. Throwing Stuff materialised out of Kieran’s desire to form a hardcore band, which he did shortly after moving to Manchester in 2009. “I’d met the others through various gigs or friends and we decided to give it a shot.” Spread out all over the country, between Manchester, Liverpool and London, Throwing Stuff’s geographical displacement is held together through a shared solidarity in the UK’s punk scene. “We live in separate places but we share a lot of the same friends and watch the same bands,” says Kieran.
After tearing up venues as a solid fixture in the UK punk scene, the band is finally ready to release their debut album ‘Fit, Fine And Well’. Coming off a tour with The Bennies, Throwing Stuff were “fuelled with optimism and enthusiasm… We were basically like “if we don’t do an album now, we never will, let’s just do it”. It’s well, well overdue so we just had to kick our arses one more time.” A collection of fifteen blistering hardcore songs that spans the entirety of the band’s lifetime, the album delves into a myriad of different topics, sometimes revelling in the ache of the day job’s grind, as in ‘Steve’s Job’, the all too familiar anxiety that accompanies the hangover in ‘Hangxiety’ to the sub-minute political fury of ‘We Wrote This Song Before David Cameron Resigned’. “Whatever platform you’ve got, there is some responsibility to use it well and addressing a few of the wider issues are important,” says Kieran, “For us, we’re quite political in the way we think on a personal level and we keep an interest in what’s going on, so it’s naturally coming into the songs.”
At the same time, Kieran stresses that “we can’t all be Anti-Flag,” and that there’s value in tackling different topics, which is seen as ‘Fit, Fine And Well’ culminates in the emotional crescendo of ‘Father’s Day’. Written about vocalist Ben’s experiences as he watched his father steadfastly battle through a diagnosis of terminal brain cancer, it’s a surprisingly emotive closer on a diverse and bold debut. Much like the intensity of their performances, ‘Fit, Fine And Well’ was recorded in a blast of productivity, churning out fifteen songs with producer Bob Cooper in under a week. “Bob was great, we all know him personally so it was nice going to a friend and his ear for the tone is insane,” although Kieran admits that their hectic schedules meant that they had to get creative, like drummer Alun recording a bunch of songs without even having guides. “You can’t tell,” shrugs Kieran, “he’s a bloody genius”.
With their debut album about to be release and a tour with Australian punk’n’rollers Clowns lined up, 2017 looks to be Throwing Stuff’s year. There’s a bunch of songs on the album that we’re all really proud of” says Kieran, “I think we just want to do them justice with putting in the effort to play ’em to a bunch of people.” And there’s also now a huge personal stake to the music that they’ve written, with“ ‘Father’s Day’ being described as the “best song we’ve written… I just want everyone to get a chance to listen to it,” says Kieran. “So yeah, we’re trying to not be four useless idiots and upping our game.” Relentless, honest and brutally fun, Throwing Stuff are ready to break into your record collection and stick around for a long, long time.
‘Fit, Fine & Well’ by Throwing Stuff will be released on the 7th April via TNS Records. The band will also be heading out on a UK tour with Clowns next month, the dates of which are listed below.
21 MANCHESTER Manchester Punk Festival*
23 SHEFFIELD The Lughole
24 LIVERPOOL Maguire’s Pizza Bar
25 NORWICH The Owl Sanctuary
26 PLYMOUTH The Junction
27 BRIGHTON The Quadrant
28 LONDON Urban Bar
* Throwing Stuff only