As We Climb – Let It Show

By Andy

With a decidedly pop-punk feel, ‘Let It Show’ is the newest release from AS WE CLIMB. Starting with the immediacy of ‘Get It Together’, the track is one of the strongest of the release with a suitably poppy feel balanced by a rough sound in parts, while ‘Call That A Daydream’ is a singalong track with good pacing. Meanwhile ‘Catch Em While You Can’ is a more subdued affair with a building rhythm to it once it gets going and the same singalong quality that echoes throughout the rest of the release.

The band are at their best when they balance the pop-heavy fusion, and this is the strongest example, although final track ‘Winners Can’t Be Choosers’ rounds the release off well as a catchy number with an engaging guitar solo to boot. The trouble is that the songs don’t hit anything new or original. Entertaining for their playing time, there’s nothing particularly memorable that sustains the release as an EP to play over and over again. So, while ‘Let It Show’ has promise, it doesn’t deliver as anything out of the ordinary.


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