Can’t Swim – ‘Death Deserves A Name’

By Jess Tagliani

Bands like Brand New, Balance and Composure, and Letlive. have given birth to a new generation of rock acts: bands that bring melancholic lyrics into a fast and dynamic environment, showing their heart on their sleeve whilst throwing themselves around a stage. And that’s where Can’t Swim enter. They blend elements of aggressive rock and pop-punk together, combining it with standout vocals from frontman Chris “Krier” Loporto which has, in turn, given birth to their latest release ‘Death Deserves A Name’.

And from the start, it’s obvious that this EP was created with aggression, speed, and fury in mind, whilst retaining heartfelt lyrics that are delivered with passion. “Fall apart/No one will know” vocalist Krier yells/sings during ‘Your Clothes’, which sets the scene perfectly for what this New Jersey quartet are aiming to deliver: tracks that are soaked in emotion; tracks that, despite containing melancholy lyrics, are delivered in a fast and furious tempo.

‘Way It Was’ and ‘Right Choice’ see a solid bassline forming the foundations of some killer songs, which are fleshed out with adrenaline and bold riffs. During ‘Come Home’, with its plaintive refrain of “So come home now”, it becomes clear that Can’t Swim have trimmed any unnecessary fat off these tracks, leaving lean and hard ones in place. It gives off the impression that the group wanted to bring a raw and meaty EP to the table.

The vibrant title track ‘Death Deserves A Name’ brings about a false sense of security; they bring the tempo and energy down a notch, before launching into a final, bruising chorus at the end. From start to finish, Can’t Swim haven’t let down their guard, racing through a small batch of tracks that are deliciously energetic and furious, yet are engaging with slightly sad lyrical matter. All in all, it’s an excellent release to sing your frustrations and angst to.


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