Mest – Photographs

By paul

What’s the difference between Mest and McFly? Well, tattoos and about three songs aside, ‘Photographs’ would suggest there’s very little to choose between the two. Strip away some of the extra guitars and the polished and clean vocal melodies, which Mest build their songs around, and you could possibly pass one off as the other. I’ve never been a massive Mest fan, suffice to say they’re a lot more rough and ready in a live setting than on record. Consequently, this new album sounds far too clean cut for a supposed ‘punk’ band – they’re not mates with Good Charlotte for no reason…

‘Kiss Me, Kill Me’ is pure pop pap, but there are a couple of killer pop-punk tunes on here and possibly make this album worthy of checking out. ‘Take Me Away (Cried Out To Heaven’ as all the pre-requisites for a band of this ilk, while ‘Cursed’ and ‘As His Black Heart Dies’ are more band than boy-band. It’s quite clear that this album has its heart set on MTV domination, but it’s neither as catchy as Fall Out Boy or, and I shudder saying this, as fun as Good Charlotte (yeah, fun. I mean no-one takes GC that seriously do they?) The album’s title track is a bit too sappy (although it does have a strong chorus) and this is exactly the theme that runs through this record. If Mest, just at times, put some effort and passion into it, and avoided the auto-tune, this record would benefit greatly. Mest fans will possibly enjoy this, but ‘Photographs’ makes their first record sound like Hatebreed



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