Moose Blood – ‘Blush’

By Kathryn Black

Surely we can all move on now from the notion of the difficult 2nd album? Bands are just getting better and better and better and Moose Blood, everyone’s favourites from Kent, have surpassed their debut with the absolute dream that’s ‘Blush’. It’s a dreamy, emo masterpiece made for anyone who grew up listening to Brand New and Jimmy Eat World; a new band to love for those of us lucky enough to witness emo the first time around.

‘Pastel’ opens proceedings with a nod back to ‘Cherry’. “Look at me now, I’m engaged to be married” has become “We’re married now and girl I’m feeling better than I ever have”. Mirroring the album opener from 2014’s ‘I’ll Keep You In Mind, From Time To Time’, it sets a tone that’s a lot more optimistic than the last record and – in the midst of a relatively terrible year – it’s just what we need.

As instantly loveable as all the singles we’ve heard before, ‘Honey’ and ‘Knuckles’ have already found firm places in fans’ hearts. Received warmly at this summer’s festival appearances, the forlorn, romantic lyrics are sure to get even those with the stoniest hearts warming up a little, and the latter is a singalong moment from beginning to end.

The glorious ‘Glow’ does just as it’s named, with an upbeat rhythm, uplifting guitars and a simple but memorable chorus; a brilliant song to lift your spirits. ‘Cheek’s got a slightly punkier sound but is still just as polished while ‘Sway’ is a perfect nod to the older, grittier sound of older emo and the bands Moose Blood draw influence from.

Epic ballad ‘Shimmer’ is as devastatingly sad as you’d want a ballad from your favourite band to be. Eddy Brewerton singing “We can start again, you know it’s for the best” really twists the knife and the soaring guitar solo that follows is chilling. ‘Spring’ follows the same vein, but a glimmer of hope shines through.

Ending on an outburst of energy, ‘Freckle’ is an outpour of love. Every song is personal and intimate, but instantly relatable. Part of fans’ love for Moose Blood is the fact they really are just normal guys, from a normal place, singing about normal things, but they remind you how that in itself is special.

They might be referencing their favourite bands and authors themselves right now (‘Bukowski’, anyone?) but it won’t be long before bands sing of growing up listening to Moose Blood. A new voice for a broken generation that still love emo as much as they used to: it really doesn’t get better than this.


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