My Hero Died Today – From Our Cold Dead Hands

By paul

There are only so many ways you can skin a cat – and definitely only so many ways you can say a CD is painfully average in a review. And to be honest, with more than 2,100 reviews in this very sites database, I’m at about breaking point when it comes to crap records. What can you say that hasn’t been said before? And how can you offer advice to a band when you’ve heard the same thing a million times previously – and in the process repeated yourself over and over? This reviewing lark is a tough game, I tell you…

The long and short of it is that this German crew would quite like to be Boy Sets Fire, but to tell the truth there is only one BSF and to even attempt to lump these two bands in the same bracket is a built of an insult. My Hero Died Today do everything to an average standard – the riffs and breakdowns do sound meaty, which is to their credit, but the rest just sounds so predictable. You can tell when the screams will start, when the drums kick in and when the quiet/loud bits start and finish.

Maybe I’m just a bitter old man that’s lost his enthusiasm for reviewing this type of music. Let’s face it, bands of this type are ten-a-penny and if you’re going to stand out, being a clone of an influence probably isn’t the best way to go about it. There are just better bands around than My Hero Died Today – that’s the sad fact. I want to be inspired by music like this. I want bands to get my first pumping and my blood boiling. Instead, all I wanted to do was reach for the skip button – never the best sign…

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