Rise Against – Camden Underworld

By Andy

*Islington Academy, not Underworld*

I arrived in the venue just as RED LIGHTS FLASH were powering through the beginning of their set and was very pleased to see that their particular brand of heavy street punk was firmly in flow. They didn’t get the best reaction from the audience even though they put in an impressively kinetic performance, but maybe it’s because they’re pushing something a little more important than hair dye and tight jeans. They’d have worked a lot more effectively in a smaller venue, and next time they come over here it’d be nice to have some headlining dates (7).

Trouble is, I then had to wait through the interminable ALEXISONFIRE. My gosh, they’re one of the least remarkable bands I have ever seen. Their one redeeming feature is their hilariously camp frontman (complete with cheesy ‘Footloose‘ dance moves) who, to be fair, was very engaging between songs. It’s just a shame that their actual music is so bland and throwaway