Twin Atlantic – Birmingham Academy

By paul

was really looking forward to tonight’s all British line up especially having seen and enjoyed all of the bands before. First up were Kyoto Drive who although playing a hometown show didn’t seem to have much support in the audience. The first thing vocalist Adam did was ask us to move forward and if we were having a good night. This was a little premature as there was pretty much no audience response, setting them off to a bad start. Vocals were a little unclear with inaudible top notes which was a shame but they were boosted by Mark whose voice was at times much stronger. However I’m not sure if he had a cold or not, but his constant spitting was ridiculously off-putting. Except for the few eager fans at the front, the crowd were disinterested and the band seemed unable to warm up. In all honesty I was really disappointed as I know Kyoto Drive can do better than this. Yes there were sound problems and a cold crowd but I didn’t see what these guys are really made of until the last few songs.

Canterbury have instant stage presence and are a shining example of how hard work can pay off. When I last reviewed Canterbury they were due to release Thank You – two years after it had been originally recorded. As far as I’m aware this has been well received, and the boys are glad it has finally been released . Songs tonight are seamless and warm the crowd who were finally starting to realise they were at a gig and that bands were actually playing. Vocals by Mike were strong and infectious and are accompanied by vocalist and keys player Luke who has a constant smile which even the Cheshire Cat would be jealous of and brings a huge amount of energy to the show. Drums were a little loud but were very upbeat particularly during ‘Set You Right’ which was well received and set many heads bobbing. There’s nothing forced about Canterbury, which makes them definitely worth checking out if you haven’t already.

Twin Atlantic claim that Birmingham gigs are always cursed, but I gather they say this at other cities so maybe they’re just a little pessimistic about their performances. This was unfounded tonight as they sounded great, although I’m sure drummer Craig will disagree as he actually left the stage mid set to talk to the sound engineer. I’m not sure what he was worried about as they sounded fine from where I was standing, although throughout the show the top notes were often lost under the highly boosted bass. Twin Atlantic have almost orchestral moments and their songs are intelligent, well produced and performed like professionals. These guys don’t mess about and had the crowd fixated. The set list included tracks from last years album ‘Vivarium’ along with the acoustic ‘Crash Land’ which was beautiful and moving. Sam’s vocals were as ever deep and soothing and I particularly enjoyed the inclusion of the cello which bought a certain depth and warmth to the performance. I was really excited to see Twin Atlantic headline and the band were enthusiastic throughout. However they did seem to lose intensity towards the end but after so long on the road I can’t hold this against them and they did not disappoint.
