Twin Atlantic – KCLSU, London

By Andy

By the time TWIN ATLANTIC take to the stage tonight, the venue is awash with excitement. For many, this is the first time they?ve caught a glimpse of the Scottish lads at work and with debut album ?Free? recently hitting the shops, the support for the band has never been stronger.

It?s no real surprise that the majority of songs tonight come from their latest release but it?s a testament to the band however just how many people sing along to the tracks released a mere 11 days earlier. With title track ?Free? kicking off proceedings, it?s an impressive and powerful opener for the band, successfully setting the tone for the remainder of the evening.

Frontman Sam McTrusty clearly feeds off the love and admiration the audience provide. With highly celebrated acoustic track ?Crash Land? getting one of the best reactions of the night, it acts as a stark insight into the band?s raw, stripped-back talent.

With popularity growing it?d be far too easy for Twin Atlantic to sit back on their laurels and let the buzz currently surrounding their name do the work. Instead, tonight sees the band at their best. With a set list composed of new tracks and old favourites, they?re clearly not adverse to a quick glance back to their older work ? a trait that goes down well with tonight?s crowd as ‘You’re Turning Into John Wayne’ closes the set.