Campus call it quits

By Tom Aylott

After an impressive run in 2012, Belgian hardcore punks Campus have split up. You can read a full statement from the band below, which is taken from their Facebook page.

It’s a real shame as the band seemed to just be hitting their stride, and they follow a whole bunch of great bands throwing in the towel this year.

“And so the journey ends.
Campus calls it quits.

What initially began as a just-for-fun project in 2005 quickly evolved into a more ambitious band-machine that started touring and releasing music. Since the start we got so much support and got loads of opportunities. Needless to say we are extremely happy with what this band achieved throughout the years.

We’ve been trying to climb up this ladder step by step and there’s no way we can ignore the succes we experienced. Putting our hearts, souls, time, money, energy and even a lot more in this band was absolutely worth it! Right now, in september 2012, we must be honest with ourselves and admit that this is where the Campus journey ends.

There’s nothing more boring than explaining “the reasons why” in detail, so let’s keep it short and simple:
As a collective we didn’t have enough ambition and motivation left to take Campus to the next level.
The other big reason is that we’ve been struggling with financial issues for years now and it seems we can’t get them off the road as long as this band exists.

Will this be final? As for now we don’t think you’ll see us as Campus on stage ever again but if we have any news concerning a possible goodbye show you will be the first ones to know!

Campus officialy decided to quit as a band on 1st september 2012.


Okay guys, the first big thanks goes out to you, for reading this, for being interested in us and in what we do/did. Thanks for all your support, to the ones giving it already for years, to the ones doing it since recently. Thanks.

We will never forget what our beloved crew did for us: Karsten, for being our merch guy and road partner since the start of this band, you have always been a part of the band for us. Jef & Janne at Noize Agency, for being such incredibly amazing friends and doing our management at the same time for the last couple of years (must have been one hell of a job!!! Seriously!). You guys got us to places we would never ever get on our own. Lode for backing us on and off stage with loads of technical and logistic issues. Stef and Wacko for being our sound engineers for years. We can’t thank you enough…

Special thanks to Fabrice and Martijn who gave the band a new boost this last year and let Campus achieve new goals.

Thanks to the Campus ex-members Rik, Nick & Laurens. You guys as well are the reason why this band became this succesful!

We got support from amazing partners:
Funtime Records (Thanks Jokke)
Small Town Records (Thanks Alex & Pete)
Monster Energy (Thanks Pieter & Alex)
Big Deal Clothing (Thanks Dougie)
Thanks to all the other partners and sponsors that ever had faith in us!

Thank you Jo, Dimitri, Jurgen, Jeroen and all the other people who ever drove us to where-ever we needed to go since 2005 and thank you Wally and Mylle for all the incredible video’s you guys did for us. Thanks for believing in us.

A couple of really cool guys have played shows in Campus, replacing members temporarely. Thank you Jonas, Kristof, Yannick & Jan!

Yves & Sparkle Of Hope, we still believe you were our guide during the first couple of years. This will always mean a lot to us.

We would also like to thanks all the bands, promoters and bookers that ever were good to us. Playing cool shows and meeting new people has always been the most fun part of being in this band.

Last but not least we would like to thank all our friends, parents, families & girlfriends for having patience, for supporting us unconditionally and for being there.

Peace out.”

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