Fallout 40 tour for part of the summer. Check them out on the following dates, as well as Punktastic Bash 4 and a date of the Punktastic Tour!
28 June 2003 Cambridge, Boat Race w/ Adequate 7, Lockdown Project, Heffer
19 July 2003 Derby, Bass Recreation Groud Ponse in the Park 2003!
30 July 2003 London, Kingston Peel w/ Brandston, Dugong, The Next Autumn Soundtrack
02 August 2003 Norwich, More details TBA
05 August 2003 Derby, Victoria Inn w/ Captain Everything, My Awesome Compilation, 3 Stories High
08 August 2003 Bristol, Sk8 + Ride w/ Adequate 7, Twofold
09 August 2003 Leeds, Joseph’s Well Punktastic Bash 4
10 August 2003 Stoke, Talbot w/ Killerest Expression, The Next Autumn Soundtrack
04 September 2003 Leicester, Charlotte w/ Rufio
07 September 2003 London, Underworld w/ Rufio
Jun 27, 2003 0:26
Fall out, boy!
By paul
June 27, 2003 by