Go inside the world’s first air, sea and land gig with Bullet For My Valentine

By Ben Tipple

One for the “I have no idea why this happened, but I’m kind of glad it did” box. Jägermeister have revealed a documentary of their fifth Ice Cold Gig.

The adventure saw Bullet For My Valentine’s Matt Tuck play a continue show whilst jumping out of a plane, performing on a speedboat and playing on a husky sledge.

“I’ve played some incredible gigs around the world, but that was right up there, literally,” Tuck explains. “Jäger’s Ice Cold Gig was one of the very best and definitely the most extreme! It’s my first skydiving experience, so dealing with the excitement and nerves – even before you add in the ruthless cold – was intense, but totally worth it. It’s awesome to say you did a world’s first in music, but to do it with my best mates, the guys who were there with me from the beginning, made it unforgettable. Now for a drink!”

See why he definitely needed that drink in the documentary below.

“We go bigger every year and because of the nature of this world first, spanning air, sea and land, in extreme conditions, this gig was not only a test of friendship but one of supporting each other too,” Jägermeister UK music manager Tom Carson adds. “I think they had a great laugh. The Ice Cold Gigs have become such a prominent feature for our JägerMusic programme and this year we really wanted to celebrate musicians giving back to the people who supported them from the very start; typically their best friends”

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