Go:Audio tour dates!
August 4th- Kingston Peel w. Self Against City/ The Secret Handshake/ Kill The Arcade
August 5th- Nottingham Rock City
August 6th- Leeds Rios
August 8th- Swansea Sin City w. Self Against City/ The Secret Handshake/ Kill The Arcade
August 9th- Northampton Racehorse w. Self Against City/ The Secret Handshake/ Kill The Arcade
August 11th- Exeter Cavern
August 18th- Bath Moles
August 29th- Glasgow King Tuts
August 30th- Greenock Red
August 31st- Aberdeen Moshulu
Sept 1st- Abroath Waterfront
Sept 4th- Liverpool Barfly
Sept 8th- Cardiff University
Jul 31, 2007 21:12
Go:Audio UK tour dates
By paul
July 31, 2007 by