The ever-eccentric Titus Andronicus have revealed the double video for ‘Sun Salutation’ and ‘[No Future] Part V’, both taken from their rock-opera ‘The Most Lamentable Tragedy’ as well as their forthcoming live album, ‘S+@DIUM ROCK’. The latter is due on the 29th July via Merge.
“‘[No Future] Part V’ was originally conceived as a mid-tempo alt-rocker in the vein of bands such as Everclear,” says Titus Andronicus (or +@) songwriter Patrick Stickles. “Considering its place in the rock opera narrative, however, coming at the point where Our Hero is most completely alone and disempowered, having revealed himself as the sole architect of his sorrowful fate, the bleak, spartan arrangement we hear on the record was only appropriate. In the live concert setting, we are not so beholden to the aesthetic parameters demanded by said narrative and we free to rock in accordance with the original vision.”