Exclusive stream from Devon Kay and the Solutions

By Maryam Hassan

Today we have an exclusive stream of not one, but TWO tracks from the new album from Chicago based pop punkers Devon Kay and the Solutions. We couldn’t think of a better way to introduce these tracks to you other than let those crazy lads explain the tracks to you themselves:

‘Ello Govna!
We’re from America! Have you heard of America? You bet your tea sippin’, cosy usin’ asses you have!
And since we love tea so much, we want to take some time to thank you for some other stuff:
1. Monty Python
2. HobNobs
3. Chinese Food
4. Sarcasm

On to the good stuff: Today we bring you two short songs from our new album, Losing IT.
The first song is a real deep ballad about a superhero in the punk rock world who made Devon’s girlfriend tear up one night. someone was talking to this him about a certain Gin Blossums’ cover at five in the morning and she couldn’t get to sleep.

The second song is one that might make you cry. It’s a topic we hold really close to our hearts; smoking pot before shows in the “car parks” (“it’s called a parking lot”) of every venue we’ve ever played.

These bad boys will be available October 1st via Artistic Integrity Records (It’s a Seinfeld reference; not sure if he’s famous out there) and readily available during our performance at this year’s FEST!

So throw another shrimp on the bar-bee and say Hola to us at our show, you crazy Brits you!

Check out the tracks “Mikey Erg Made My Girlfriend Cry 2” and “A Message to Every Venue We’ve Ever Played” below.

For more on Devon Kay and the Solutions head here: https://www.facebook.com/devonkayandthesolutions?fref=ts