The story behind ‘Quantum Entanglement’, the latest track by Quebec’s Oh My Snare!, could quite easily be transferred to the creation of their forthcoming split with Long Island’s Freya Wilcox & The Howl. Featuring the latter’s vocalist, the song speaks of affect of distance on relationships; both of love and creativity.
“Have you ever met someone who you felt you’ve always known,” asks Oh My Snare! vocalist and guitarist Jorel Martin. “Even though you come from different backgrounds, different towns, speak different languages, are of a different age, gender or ethnicity, that person just gets you. Now imagine how insanely frustrating it is when you meet such a person, only to discover that she lives in a different country. That’s what this song is about: love being the saddest kind of “spooky action at a distance.”
‘Quantum Entanglement’ is powerfully pained, a perfect representation of the strains and frustrations of separation, and the beauty of eventual collaboration.
The split release will be available from the 19th August through FtLP Records, ahead of both bands hitting the road. Stream ‘Quantum Entanglement’ below.
For more on Oh My Snare head to Facebook, Twitter and Bandcamp.
For more on Freya Wilcox & The Howl head to Facebook, Twitter and their official website.