First play of the brutal new three-track EP by PINTS

By Ben Tipple

‘Still Smoking, Still Drinking, Still Gambling’ is a whirlwind tour of ferociously angry punk. It’s a heavy slice of what we’ve come to expect from Essex outfit PINTS, offering a no-holds-barred barrage of noise underpinned by the faintest of melodies. As you’ve probably guessed from those words, it’s brilliant.

“Fast, angry, drunk music for the angry and drunk,” the band respond when asked to sum up ‘Still Smoking…’. “3 tracks of sweary, shouty, loud punk inspired by the famous Stella Artois and Holsten Pils.”

By the end of ‘Weekend Warrior’, the EP’s closing track, you’ll be on board with their debauchery.

PINTS first release in three years will be available to download from the 16th April 2016 via BandCamp. They will be launching the EP on Saturday with a show at London’s Birthdays.

For more on PINTS, head to Facebook.