Despite their relatively new existence as a band, Cheshire based four-piece Bohica are releasing music way beyond their years. Drawing inspiration from shoegaze, the band draw instant comparisons to emo and shoegaze revivalists such as Title Fight (in their most recent incarnation), Nothing and their ilk.
On ‘Spun Out’, the b-side to their ‘Keep Me Awake’ single, Bohica combine the modern sound with more traditionally rock and grunge outfits from the 90s.
“The lyrics in this track are a lot darker than anything we have released before and to me I feel it is way more gripping,” explains guitarist and vocalist Matthew Awbery. “‘Spun Out’ is written about the concept of something being perpetual, happening again and again and never ending, and I think this will lead on nicely to what we have been writing for our next release, which again, as cliche as it sounds, is already a progression from this record.”
For more on Bohica, head to their official Facebook page. ‘Keep Me Awake’ will be available via Get Into It Records.