Tiger Please – Seasons

By Tom Aylott

After emphatically delivering much lauded debut EP They Don’t Change Under Moonlight at the tail end of last year, Tiger Please‘s latest offering Seasons is as hotly anticipated as it is on the heels of it’s predecessor.

Seasons consists of a serene string introduction and (unsurprisingly) a track for each of the four seasons, and with it Tiger Please have really found their feet. Managing to wear influences on your sleeves without sounding much like anything else is harder than it sounds, but Tiger Please achieve it here almost effortlessly with brilliant arrangements bolstered by clever lyrics and production perfectly suited to the band’s tendency to launch into a gigantic chorus.

There’s no real weak moments – each track (most notably in closer Spring And Its Offering) stands right up there in quality next to behemoths of (for want of a less stigmatised genre) indie rock, and with continued hard work there’s no real reason that songs like those found on Seasons won’t end up being played on much larger stages in the future. Tiger Please‘s appeal spans everything from casual listeners to enthusiasts, and it’s hard to feel anything other than the band is a time bomb waiting to go off.

Concept records tend to fall on the ‘miss’ rather than ‘hit’ side of the quality fence but Tiger Please have delivered another set of larger-than-life anthems that are almost impossible to stop singing to yourself long after you eventually press the stop button.

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